Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Life in Jesus

Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. -Revelation 22:12
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. - 2 Corinthians 5:10

We spent yesterday evening with our Newfrontiers leader, Terry Virgo. I was humbled by his practical message of  living life, daily, with Jesus. He tugged at my heart and helped me to see life the way it would have been for the disciples. They spent three years living day and night with Jesus. Three years with God; waking up, eating, talking, laughing, enjoying their savior and then He went away.  But He promised them and us that He would not leave them alone. That He would come back, in the person of the Holy Spirit, and fill them.

Terry brought us this message to enliven us again to the simple message that we are to live with Jesus daily. In so doing we would be just like the disciples and just like the Israelites. Wherever we go, God's presence will be with us.

With this in mind I posted the above verses to give us a new perspective on them. If our lives are spent in daily fellowship with Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, then the inevitable fruit of that kind of life will result. The glorious blessing that awaits us after that will just be icing on the cake. These verse are meant as an encouragement to give up everything to follow Him, but I see them also as another picture of the extreme generosity of our father in heaven. We aren't worthy to clean the dirt off His feet, yet He elevates us to count us as His friends, blesses us with His presence daily and then showers us with rewards for being with Him!

Revelation has been somewhat of a sobering journey. We have seen Him coming on the clouds. We have seen Him pour out his wrath on his enemies, He cast Satan and his demons, along with those who rejected Jesus, into the lake of fire. We have also seen Him usher in a new earth and heaven and as His city descends from above, we will rejoice that God's dwelling place will be with mankind, forever.

The delightful thought of being with God is prize enough in itself. We will finally be with the object of our hope, the treasure of our heart, the jewel of our love. The reality of seeing and being with Him, in actuality instead of just in spirit, will be its own continual reward. For in those days we will no longer be separate from the one who made us. We will finally be back in the garden, with our father, restored completely.

1. How can you daily live your life with Jesus, like the disciples did?
2. What are some questions you have for God when you finally meet him?
3. Spend some time in personal worship, praising God for all He has done for us.

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